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Street Fighter II: The Movie
An evil crime syndicate known as Shadow Law is trying to gather the greatest street fighters in the world in order to to ensure the security of their presidential candidate who may win the next American election. The leader of Shadow Law is none other than the powerful Mr. Bison. Through psychic manipulation, he is able to force people to do his bidding. Little does street fighter Ryuu know that Bison is after him, because of his extraordinary fighting abilities. Meanwhile Interpol and the American Military are trying to devise a plan to destroy Shadow Law.
Souten no Ken
Plot Summary:Kasumi Kenshiro, also known as Yan Wang or the King of Death, is a Tokyo professor and the 62nd successor to the deadly assassin art known as Hokuto Shinken. He leaves his teaching job and travels to Shanghai after getting word that his old Qing Bang Triad friend, Pan Guang-Lin, and his friend’s sister and Kasumi’s love interest, Pan Yu-Ling, are in trouble.
While in Shanghai, he encounters and fights the three families of Hokuto: Hokuto Sonkaken, Hokuto Soukaken, and Hokuto Ryuukaken. He does all this while revolting against the corrupt Hong Hua Triads to restore honor and power to the Qing Bang.
TV Series